Honduras Reforestation


Between 2011 and 2015, Honduras lost 500,000 hectares (nearly 2,000 sq. miles, 5,000 sq. kilometers) of forest due to an infestation of disease-carrying pine beetles. The destruction of forests caused water tables to run low, protected areas to lose valuable biodiversity, and surrounding communities to lose jobs. By working directly with local communities to reforest these regions, water supplies are being restored, natural habitats are being created for local wildlife, and communities are being provided with job opportunities and resources to build up their economy.

This is Sample Honduras Reforestation Projects

The importance of this project:

By reforesting degraded regions with native tree species, we will contribute to generating sustainable economic opportunities for communities to restore and protect large forest areas, which will help preserve the watershed and biodiversity at the project sites.

48% 😧

Of Hondurans live below the poverty line, as of 2018.

1.26M 🌳

Hectares of forest destroyed over the span of 20 years.

4M 🌳

Trees produced, planted, and protected.

190+ 💼

Employees empowered with fair wages.

Impacts & Benefits:

Project benefits include:

  • Reforesting degraded cloud forests in Olancho
  • Moist and tropical forests help maintain healthy water sources
  • Home to hundreds of native and endemic tree species
  • Restoring forests that have been devastated by slash-and-burn agriculture
  • Helping to ensure food security for local communities
  • Maintaining a habitat for local wildlife